As Spring approaches, many residents take this time to trim and prune their trees. The Association has seen an increase in residents and/or their contractors “topping” or excessively pruning their trees. Topping a tree refers to removing most or all its branches and limbs. Residents need to be aware that this is a deed restriction violation per the property Modification and Maintenance Guidelines.
new resident portal – smartwebs
The Association has launched a new resident portal through Smartwebs – accessible via Siennanet (Townsq is no longer accurate). Information on this change was included with residents’ assessment statements as well as communicated via the Sienna E-news. This new portal provides residents with the ability to view their property account in ‘real time’. Whether it be related to assessments, modifications or deed restrictions, residents will find detailed information on their account. This is the only tool on Siennanet that requires a password. Not sure how to register? Visit Portal and view the ‘Resident Portal Guide’. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on signing up for your new portal.
yard of the month – Returns!
Sienna’s Yard o the Month will resume in April 2025 (weather permitting). Thanks to all of Sienna’s residents who help maintain the beauty of our community. Yard of the Month winners each receive a $25 gift card. Note: The Yard of the Month winners are chosen by the resident volunteers of the Landscape Committee monthly. If you feel that a yard or garden in your neighborhood should be considered for a Yard of the Month, please email Smita Parikh, Operations Coordinator at Smita will make sure that your suggestion is considered!
sienna community services foundation
Building a community that celebrates life, both now and for generations to come is what the Community Funds are all about. We’re proud of what it has accomplished and the dynamic, fulfilling programs it continues to support. – Alvin San Miguel, General Manager, Sienna.
holiday decorating guidelines
The Association has a Decorations, Signage, and Religious Items policy that can be reviewed in its entirety online at under the Resource Library tab.
The policy notes that winter decorations may be installed in November but should not be illuminated until after Thanksgiving. Winter holiday decorations must be removed by the second Saturday of January.
During the above period, the Residence and/or Lot may be decorated in a reasonable fashion that celebrates the holiday(s). It is not necessary to get approval in advance. Outdoor music will not be permitted after 9 p.m., Sunday – Thursday, and 10 p.m., on Friday and Saturday. Should a Residence and/or Lot be decorated before or after the holiday decorations schedule (as set forth with the policy), or such decorations are determined to be unreasonable in the sole and absolute discretion of the Association, the Lot is considered to be in violation of the Guidelines/policy, and the Owner may be subject to fine and notice (as may be required by law).
recycle live christmas trees
Did you know that recycled, live Christmas trees can be placed strategically along the coast to help preserve and rebuild coastal dunes? Due to the increasing number of recent coastal storms, beaches and sand dunes have eroded along the gulf coast. The Harvest Methodist Church wants to be a part of the solution. From December 26 – January 10, residents can drop off live tress at a collection site in the church parking lot. Collected trees will be used in the rebuilding of coastal dunes. Instead of throwing away your tree after Christmas, donate it to a great cause that helps everyone!
meet sophia – Our new ai assistant
We’re excited to introduce, Sophia, our AI Assistant who ‘resides’ on Siennanet! Sophia provides instant help to residents 24/7. Residents can interact with Sophia to ask any Association and community related questions that you may have, and there is no app or software required to download.
online tools – stay connected
The Association has several online tools available for residents to stay connected with the Association and/or to submit information to staff. Theses tools will help make life in Sienna even better,
our’ sienna sgt’s suggestions
While patrolling in Sienna and investigating crimes, I am often asked: “How can I help make my community safer?”, “How can I help the police solve crimes?”, “What should I do if I have evidence of a crime?”.
Hurricane Beryl hit the Houston area with only a few days warning. Based on data from previous hurricanes, a Category 1 hurricane is expected to have devastating effects on trees, particularly trees in urban areas. There were specific factors associated with Hurricane Beryl, such as the fact that Houston was on the “dirty” side of the storm resulting in excessive rainfall and wind damage, which exacerbated the tree damage associated with a hurricane of this magnitude. Wind gusts of over 90 mph were reported, making the windspeeds of Beryl comparable to Hurricane Ike.
Important Tips on fencing
When repairing or replacing fencing there are several important items to keep in mind. The Association encourages you to reach out to your neighbors before working on shared or “good neighbor” fencing (alternating panels). Another important step is to make sure that your fence is not Association owned “Community Fencing”. Some brick, iron, and wood fences, primarily located along common areas or major boulevards, belong to the Association. Please contact the Association office for specific locations of community fencing or email to verify if you share Association fencing. You can also review the Community Fencing Guidelines on in the Resource Library.
Law enforcement within sienna
As a resident within Sienna, it is very important to know who to call in the event of an emergency. The answer is simple: call 911.
What if you have a non-emergency issue for law enforcement?
Sienna is under the jurisdiction of two law enforcement agencies, depending upon where your house is located. It’s worth noting the reasons behind this to understand how it affects you, directly.